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Featured Breeders
Helms Polled Herefords

Holbrook, Nebraska 

The Flying H Ranch is nestled along the West Muddy Creek in southwest Gosper County.


Clarence Helms worked for Orville Kuhlman of North Platte in the early 40’s where he gained experience and an interest in Hereford cattle. In 1944 he married Lois and entered World War II. The first purebred purchased in 1948 was a horned Hereford and was mated to a polled bull....... Read More

Arapahoe, Nebraska 

Schroeder Bros Polled Herefords
Located 4 miles south and 3 miles west of Arapahoe, Schroeder Brothers Polled
Herefords consist of 150 head of registered Polled Hereford cows along with 200
commercial cows. Neale started in the Hereford business when he purchased his
first cow in 1953. Today, the operation consists of Neale along with grandsons
Tyler Hamel and family, Carson Schroeder, along with a little help from his son
Mason and family. They would like to thank everyone who took time out of their
busy schedules to attend this year’s NHA tour.
Sukraw Herefords

Maxwell, Nebraska 

The cowherd is presently in the Maxwell area – 13 miles east of North Platte. You can usually see some on the north side of I-80, a couple of miles west of the Maxwell exit.


Recently added herd sires are KCF Bennett 504C F33 and HWK A250Tested 877F. 877F is a son of EFBEEF X651TESTED A250 and was the top selling calf in the Ed Hawk’s dispersion sale. F33 was the top selling calf in Knoll Crest Farm’s April 2019 bull sale. We have semen and certificates for sale on F33. Semen and

certificates can also be purchased from Knoll Crest Farm.

Spear Lazy V Ranch

Farnam, Nebraska 

Spear Lazy V Herefords is proud to carry on the foundation and legacy
that was established in 1917 by Lehman Herefords. Greg and Kendi Boller take great
pride in offering decades of proven Hereford traits that are practical,
predictable and will add profitability to their customers herd for years to
come. The calves are raised by the cow out on grass with a quality
mineral program – no creep feed. At weaning, they received a
moderate roughage diet containing prairie hay and four pounds of 12%
sweet feed. As yearlings, they ran on summer/fall grass. The two year
old virgin bulls and are guaranteed through the first breeding season.
Spear Lazy V Hereford bulls will not disappoint.
Snowshoe Cattle Company

Arthur, Nebraska 

Welcome to Snowshoe Cattle Company.  We are a family operation located at the gateway to the Nebraska Sandhills.  Our program began in 1988 with the purchase of one polled Hereford cow and has grown to an annual sale of 100+ bulls and females held the 4th Monday in March.  Our genetic foundation is a blend of the rugged, high-performance, volume and do-ability of Western Canadian breeding with the femininity, udder quality and grass performance of Southern Victor genetics.  We have made it our goal to select for a balance among traits within our program, avoiding single trait selection, and striving for excellence in all of these.  While it is always a work in progress, it is our goal to build a “cookie cutter” cow herd, one that is uniform in phenotype, economic traits, performance, and eye appeal. We strive for Balance without Compromise.
We are excited to be a part of the 2021 Nebraska Hereford Tour and welcome your visit!

Wellfleet, Nebraska 

Estermann Herefords
The Estermann family has been ranching in the Medicine Creek Valley for 102 years.  The  Registered Hereford cow herd was founded in 1899 by Elmer Youngs at Lexington Nebraska. Estermann’s purchased their pick of Elmer Youngs’ bred female replacements upon his retirement in 1938. That started the run of registered Herefords that continues today after 83 years.  Nearly all of today's cattle can be traced right back to that beginning. That base was crossed with Evan Real’s, Silver Prince 123’s and since the late 1970’s with a number of Canadian sires to give it the predominantly Canadian Breeding influence it has today. The operation has always focused on the commercial aspect of the cattle business, functionality over fads.  Herefords have provided the only income for over 50 years. A top pick set of bulls is offered at private treaty each year and feeder cattle are marketed through commercial livestock auctions.
Sachtjen Herefords

North Platte, Nebraska 

Sachtjen Herefords is a 3rd generation Hereford operation that predominantly runs a cow herd in the

Nebraska Sandhills including McPherson and Lincoln Counties.


The operation has primarily focused on L1 Herefords over the years and tries to out cross with Canadian Genetics. They run a spring and fall calving program

with approximately 100 mature cows and bred heifers. Current herd sires are from L-W Herefords, MT and Triple A Herefords, Canada. Sachtjen’s sell 20 yearling and age advantaged bulls the first Wednesday of March and annually at the Ogallala Livestock Market.


They focus on performance based cattle with the Hereford disposition. The tour stop will feature current herd bulls, a few spring pairs, a few fall pairs, possibly a few bred heifers in range ready conditions.


Tracy Sachtjen and his sons, Jared Wyatt, and Samuel look forward to seeing you at the Lincoln County Fair Grounds.

XA Cattle 

Moorefield, Nebraska 

XA Cattle, located on the edge of the hills North West of Moorefield, is a family ranch
operation, consisting of Bill, Marie and Levi Farr.  They run about 150 reg horned and polled Herefords along with commercial black cows. XA Cattle is a cooperator breeder for the Hoffman Ranch at Thedford, therefore sell some of their coming 2 yr old bulls on the 3 rd Friday in February, our heifers and other 2-year-old bulls for sell privately. They hope you enjoy this year’s tour and thank you for attending.
Van Newkirk Herefords

Oshkosh, Nebraska 

Van Newkirk Herefords is a family-owned ranching operation dating back to 1892. Today, Joe and Kolby Van Newkirk managed the operation located on the edge of the Sandhills, east of Oshkosh, NE. Their goal is to produce consistent, quality cattle with moderate birth weights, efficient, easy fleshing, thick, high-performance cattle that gain. To aid this goal, the operation utilize technology including ultrasound, actual carcass data, A.I. and embryo transfer. Van Newkirk’s sell 160 two-year-old bulls, 65 yearling bulls, and commercial Hereford heifers during their annual sale held the 3rd Monday in January. Registered heifers are also available by private treaty on Dec 11th.

01   |   09   |  05  |  endless







Holiday Inn Express & Suites

206 Pony Express Lane, Ogallala, NE 69153

Phone: (308) 284-6080
Book A Room
AmericInn by Wyndham

501 Stagecoach Trail, Ogallala, NE 69153

Phone: (308) 210-2162
Rate: $80 with code "Nebraska Hereford Tour"
Home Town Agency
Ogallala Livestock Auction Market
Faw's Garage + Faw's Motor Co
Arapahoe Telephone Company



Please include all first names of attendees or register individually. There is no cost to attend the tour.
Membership is not required for participation. All attendees are welcome to participate in the livestock judging contest throughout the event. Prizes will be awarded including a Hereford heifer donated by Van Newkirk Herefords. 



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Nebraska Hereford Association
PO Box 782
Tecumseh, NE 68450

Phone: 402-921-0573

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