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Stemick, Skrdlant Win Futurity Grand Champion Titles


Lanham Skrdlant, Bladen, Neb. and his heifer BF Hallie 0402H, won grand champion futurity heifer.

KEARNEY, Neb. – Wyatt Stemick, Pierce, Neb. won grand champion steer with Bar M Domino 2030, and Lanham Skrdlant, Bladen, Neb. and his heifer BF Hallie 0402H, won the Nebraska Hereford Association Futurity Show, June 5, in Kearney, Neb.

Colby Taber judged the show with 11 steers and 11 heifers exhibited. The reserve grand champion heifer honors went to Weston Stemick, Pierce, Neb., with Frenzen Vicky H80. Kendi Miigerl, Ravenna, Neb. with BNT Vinnie 03, took home reserve grand champion steer honors.

Grand champion heifer was Skrdlant's class 5 winner, an April 2, 2020, daughter of KJ BJ 58Z Contender D56 ET. She was bred by Bolte Farms, Blue Hill, Neb. and purchased at the 2021 Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic, Feb. 19, Kearney, Neb. Stemick's reserve champion heifer from class 6, was a March 13, 2020, daughter of KJ BJ 319X Laramie 649D ET. She was bred by Frenzen Polled Hereford, Fullerton, Neb. and was purchased at the 2020 Cornhusker Classic Sale, Nov. 22, Broken Bow, Neb.

Grand champion steer was Stemick's class 4 winner, weighed in at 1,315 pounds and was sired by JCS 88X Domino 7286 ET. He was bred by Bar M Herefords, Newport, Neb. Miigerl's reserve champion steer from class 3, weighed in at 1,240 pounds and sired by SC Justified 6908 ET. He was bred Tracy Cattle Co., Wellfleet, Neb. Both steers were purchased at the 2020 Cornhusker Classic Sale, Nov. 22, Kearney, Neb.

Each grand champion received a $1,000 award and reserve champion received a $600 award from the Nebraska Hereford Association.


The Nebraska Hereford Association Futurity Show is held each summer during the Nebraska Junior Hereford Association State Show. Exhibitors must have purchased their steer/heifer from the 2020 Cornhusker Classic Sale, Broken Bow, Neb. or during the 2021 Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic, Kearney, Neb.


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Nebraska Hereford Association
PO Box 782
Tecumseh, NE 68450

Phone: 402-921-0573

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